Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 01 – 24 – 18

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

White House slams Schumer’s taking back his Wall funding promise as a “fake deal”.

Liberal protesters at Chuck Schumer’s house.

Poll: Americans overwhelmingly support Trump’s proposed Immigration Reform.

Attorney General Sessions orders investigation into FBI Agents texts.

CBS finally reports on missing FBI Agent texts….ABC, NBC continue to censor.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

I also addressed the death of the actor who played the purple Teletubby “Tinky Winky” and how the news media is (again) falsely reporting that the late Jerry Falwell supposedly once claimed Tinky Winky was gay. (He never did)

Guest Interview: Mark Lee, Guitarist and Co-Founder of the Christian Band Third Day to discuss his career, the band and his book “Hurt Road”.

Guest Interview: Blake K. Healy, author of “The Veil” who claims to see Angels and Demons everyday as clearly as we all see each other.

Open Line Topic:

I took calls only from listeners who claim Evangelical Christians are being “hypocrites” for supporting President Trump because of his sordid past.

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