Monthly Archives: February 2022

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 02 – 28 – 22

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I analyzed all the latest in the Russia/Ukraine war.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy refuses Biden’s offer of exile, says “I need

Ammunition, not a ride”.

Trump vindicated. Germany now doing all the stuff Trump was pressuring them to do when he was President.

Putin puts his Nuclear Forces on “high alert”.

Wow. Washington Post says Ukraine invasion is responsible for stopping Biden’s “economic surge”.

MSN News blatantly lies in “news” report about Trump and Ukraine’s Zelensky.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr throws Trump under the bus in his new book.

What a sham. Democrats having security fencing put back up around Capitol to make it look like the coming trucker convoy represents “danger”.

Op-ed explaining why Biden’s SCOTUS pick of Ketanji Brown Jackson is too activist liberal.

Washington Post/ABC News Poll shows strong majority of Americans feels Biden is not

mentally fit to serve as President.

John Nolte Op-ed on Biden’s State of the Union.

The International Olympic Committee cancels events in Russia, after approving Olympics in Genocide China.

World Judo Federation suspends black-belt Putin as their Honorary President.

Kyle Rittenhouse to sue Lebron James for defamation.

Transgender guy who was allowed to use women’s restroom (and sexually assaulted a 10 year-old girl) laughs about his light sentence from the Democrat D.A.

Medical Doctor explains why masking kids is worse for them than letting them catch COVID. 

Even Bill Maher says it’s stupid and harmful to be masking kids. 

This year’s Academy Awards have 2 different rules for guests versus celebrity presenters. 

Mike Huckabee op-ed on how Biden and Democrats are fueling inflation that hurts the poor the worst. 

20% of Gen Z’ers now say they are LGBTQ. 

Chinese Government literally re-writing the Bible with a pro-Communism,

pro-Confucianism/Buddhism translation. 

Trump’s “Truth Social” set to launch end of March.

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime. 

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director turned Pro-Life Advocate Abby Johnson to discuss her book “Fierce Mercy: Daring to Live Out God’s Compassion in Bold and Practical Ways”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Sam Storms to discuss his book “A Dozen Things God Did With Your Sin: (And Three Things He’ll Never Do)”

Open Line Topic: We discussed the patriotic heroism on Ukraine’s President and it’s people in their fighting against the Russians.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 02 – 24 – 22

First Hour – News/Politics

NATO responds to Russian attack of Ukraine.

Putin warns of nuclear war if anyone comes to Ukraine’s defense.

Gov. Kristi Noem explains how Biden’s handling of two main pipelines led to this Ukraine attack from Russia.

Mike Pompeo op-ed on the Russian attack of Ukraine.

No joke. Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry said he’s concerned about the Russia war against Ukraine because of it’s affect on Global Warming.

Remember when Obama and the media mocked Mitt Romney for saying our #1 Geopolitical foe is Russia? 

Johns Hopkins Professor of Surgery blasts the CDC for it’s dishonesty and misinformation. 

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime.  

Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:

New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated. 

CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.

M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.

Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.

COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.

Link to the CDC page itself:

Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.

List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show

Guest Interview: Nick Liguori to discuss his book “Echoes of Ararat: A Collection of Over 300 Flood Legends From North and South America”.

Guest Interview: Best Selling author and Christian Psychologist Dr. Gregory Jantz to discuss his latest book “Social Media and Depression: How to Be Healthy and Happy in the Digital Age”.  

Open Line Topic: We discussed how Christians are responding to Russian going to war against Ukraine.  

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 02 – 23 – 22

First Hour – News/Politics

Open letter from Canadian Pastors to Justin Trudeau.

Poll: Most Republicans oppose Trudeau’s Marshall Law against Canadian truckers, but most Democrats approve. 

Here’s the latest for the U.S. Trucker Convoy plan. 

Remember when Obama and the media mocked Mitt Romney for saying our #1 Geopolitical foe is Russia? 

GOP leaders issue statement blaming Biden policies for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Scathing op-ed about Biden’s weakness bringing about the Ukraine invasion from Russia. 

Johns Hopkins Professor of Surgery blasts the CDC for it’s dishonesty and misinformation. 

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime.  

Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:

New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated. 

CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.

M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.

Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.

COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.

Link to the CDC page itself:

Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.

List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show

Female track champion calling for an end to transgender men being allowed to compete as women.  

California placing “female identity” men in camping sleeping quarters with little girls.  

Guest Interview: Jack Countryman to discuss his latest book “The Power of Hope: 100 Devotions to Build Your Faith”.

Guest Interview: Duck Dynasty Patriarch Phil Robertson to discuss his lates book “Uncanceled: Finding Meaning and Peace in a Culture of Accusations, Shame, and Condemnation”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I gave some more scientific evidence that proves Biblical Creation and refutes Darwinian Evolution.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 02 – 22 – 22

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Tucker Carlson op-ed about Canadian liberal power grabs.

Canada freezing regular people’s bank accounts who dared to support truckers. 

Justin Trudeau’s “Emergency” powers are still in place, even though no protests are going on. 

U,S. Trucker Convoy planning to block roads in D.C. 

Democrats block Republican Bill that would ban crack pipes being supplied to drug addicts.

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime.  

Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:

New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated. 

CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.

M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.

Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.

COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.

Link to the CDC page itself:

Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.

List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show

Netflix, Networks and cable TV shows all flooded with a record number of LGBT characters now.  

Guest Interview: Brett Billups to discuss his book “Biblical HR: Applying Eternal Truths to Everyday Work”.

Guest Interview: Jake Meador to discuss his book “What Are Christians For?: Life Together at the End on the World”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated former police officer Kim Potter being sentenced to 2 years in prison for accidently grabbing her gun instead of taser, killing a young black man, Duante Wright.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 02 – 21 – 22

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

Hollywood, Democrats and LGBT groups say nothing about China censoring out any gay themes and scenes from their Streaming of the sitcom ‘Friends’. 

Ex-cop Kim Potter sentenced to 2 years in prison for her honest mistake. 

Op-ed from 3 black leaders on how Biden has abandoned black Americans. 

Democrats block Republican Bill that would ban crack pipes being supplied to drug addicts. 

Medical Doctor explains why masking kids is worse for them than letting them catch COVID. 

Even Bill Maher says it’s stupid and harmful to be masking kids. 

This year’s Academy Awards have 2 different rules for guests versus celebrity presenters. 

Canadian police arresting peaceful truckers, using guns, clubs and tear gas. 

Democrats have Capitol police re-install Jan 6th “protective fencing” around Capitol from the planned U.S. Trucker Convoy to D.C. 

Mike Huckabee op-ed on how Biden and Democrats are fueling inflation that hurts the poor the worst. 

Twilight Zone. Transgender “male to female” swimmer beats transgender “female to male” swimmer in championship. 

Female track champion calling for an end to transgender men being allowed to compete as women. 

Netflix, Networks and cable TV shows all flooded with a record number of LGBT characters now. 

California placing “female identity” men in camping sleeping quarters with little girls. 

20% of Gen Z’ers now say they are LGBTQ. 

Chinese Government literally re-writing the Bible with a pro-Communism, pro-Hindu/Buddhism translation. 

Trump’s “Truth Social” set to launch end of March.

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime. 

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Theologian Dr. R.T. Kendall to discuss his latest book “Fear: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”.

Guest Interview: Gun research expert and Founder of the Crime Prevention Research Center, Dr. John Lott to discuss his latest book “Gun Control Myths: How Politicians, the Media, and Botched “Studies” Have Twisted the Facts on Gun Control”.

Other Issues Discussed….

With today being President’s Day, I shared many quotes from various U.S. Presidents about God and Christian faith, that are currently censored from American history textbooks.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 02 – 17 – 22

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

On this 1 year anniversary of Rush Limbaugh’s death, I shared an op-ed from Limbaugh’s assistant, the Editor of his “Limbaugh Letter”, listing 5 things Rush taught us all about how to do battle with Progressive Leftists.

Democrat NYC Mayor says media is only critical of him because he’s black. 

PETA attacks Dr. Fauci for his funding of torturous experiments on monkeys and puppies. 

LOL. House Republicans introduce the “HUNTER Act”, which bans the federal government from providing crack pipes to drug addicts. 

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime.  

Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:

New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated. 

CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.

M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.

Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.

COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.

Link to the CDC page itself:

Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.

List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show

I gave more examples of America’s Christian Heritage currently censored from American History books.

I read an op-ed entitled about narcissism entitled “Beware the Me Monster”.

Guest Interview: Matthew Dages, a California police officer who was wrongly fired and charged for an arrest of a black suspect. He was found not guilty and discussed his case with me.

Guest Interview: Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter and Creation Museum Founder Ken Ham to discuss his latest book “Creation to Babel: A Commentary for Families”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I gave several quotes from the world’s top Evolutionary Paleontologists admitting that the fossil record looks like it should look if Biblical Creation were true.  

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 02 – 16 – 22

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Tucker Carlson commentary on Justin Trudeau invoking the “Emergencies Act”, a type of Marshall Law in Canada, suspending basic rights and freedoms to crack down on the trucker protests.

Former Deputy National Security Adviser op-ed explaining why Hillary paying to have Trump spied on as president to manufacture the Russia Collusion hoax was way worse than Watergate.

Trump comments on Durham report bombshell. 

Hillary refuses to answer reporter who asked her “did you pay to spy on Trump?” 

Gregg Jarrett op-ed on how Hillary was the mastermind, inventing the Trump-Russia-Collusion hoax. 

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes just assumed the illegal foreign campaign donations from Arab country in 2016 went to Trump. Turns out, they went to Hillary. 

Democrat NYC Mayor says media is only critical of him because he’s black. 

PETA attacks Dr. Fauci for his funding of torturous experiments on monkeys and puppies. 

LOL. House Republicans introduce the “HUNTER Act”, which bans the federal government from providing crack pipes to drug addicts. 

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime.  

Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:

New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated. 

CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.

M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.

Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.

COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.

Link to the CDC page itself:

Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.

List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show

I gave more examples of America’s Christian Heritage currently censored from American History books.

I read an op-ed entitled about narcissism entitled “Beware the Me Monster”.

Guest Interview: Former 20 year sex and human trafficking victim Leslie king to discuss her escape from that world and her book “When Angels Fight: My Story of Escaping Sex Trafficking and Leading a Revolt Against the Darkness”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Mark Bauerlein to discuss his book “The Dumbest Generation Grows Up: From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed the Olympics and whether listeners are interested in them this year at all.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 02 – 15 – 22

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Republicans in Congress expressing outrage over Durham bombshell discovery that Hillary paid to have Trump electronically spied on as a candidate, and also as President in the White House.

Remember when Leslie Stahl corrected Trump during 60 Minutes interview when he claimed his campaign was spied on? 

Ontario, Canada ending vaccine passports. 

John Nolte op-ed comparing the Canadian Freedom truckers to BLM. 

Democrat appointed judge throws out Sarah Palin lawsuit against the New York Times….while the jury is deliberating. 

PETA attacks Dr. Fauci for his funding of torturous experiments on monkeys and puppies. 

LOL. House Republicans introduce the “HUNTER Act”, which bans the federal government from providing crack pipes to drug addicts. 

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime.  

Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:

New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated. 

CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.

M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.

Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.

COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.

Link to the CDC page itself:

Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.

List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show

Guest Interview: Dr. Kutter Callaway to discuss his book “Theology for Psychology and Counseling: An Invitation to Holistic Christian Practice”.

Guest Interview: Best-Selling author and Apologist Ray Comfort to discuss his latest book “How to Be Free From the Fear of Death”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I gave historically documented evidences for Christianity being woven into the history of American public schools.

Bob Dutko Summary – Monday 02 – 14 – 22

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

Hollywood celebrities violate mask rules at Super Bowl.

Hillary 2016 conspiracy theory Tweets coming back to haunt her.

Special Counsel John Durham’s motion suggests Trump was right about him being spied on during the 2016 election.

PETA attacks Dr. Fauci for his funding of torturous experiments on monkeys and puppies.

John Nolte op-ed about the immoral wrongness of Justin Trudeau’s attacks on Canadian truckers.

Republican introduces Bill to re-instate unvaccinated discharged military troops.

LOL. House Republicans introduce the “HUNTER Act”, which bans the federal government from providing crack pipes to drug addicts.

Hillary Clinton makes money by mocking her deleting 33,000 subpoenaed emails.

Trump’s “Truth Social” set to launch end of March.

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime. 

Liberals and atheists have a melt-down over a Christian event held after school in West Virginia.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Matt Schlapp to discuss his book “The Dececrators: Defeating the Cancel Culture Mob and Reclaiming One Nation Under God”.

Guest Interview: Marcia Montenegro, a former New Age professional Astrologer and Occultist turned Christian to discuss her warnings about the Enneagram and Christian Yoga, and to take listener calls.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 02 – 10 – 22

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

 Biden’s Department of Homeland Security issues “Terrorism Threat”, listing free speech  

examples from conservatives. 

Biden’s FCC Commissioner Nominee re-tweeted that Republicans were White Supremacists. 

Surprise, surprise. Man who plowed SUV into crowd of peaceful Canadian convoy trucker protesters….is an anti-Christian, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT Left-Winger. 

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau gets heckled into silence during Parliament over COVID  


Host on “The View” spews wildly false claim about child COVID deaths. 

Republican introduces Bill to re-instate unvaccinated discharged military troops. 

John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime.  

Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:

New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated. 

CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.

M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.

Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.

COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.

Link to the CDC page itself:

Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.

List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show

Guest Interview: Dr. Jim Belcher to discuss his book “Cold Civil War: Overcoming Polarization, Discovering Unity, and Healing the Nation”.

Guest Interview: Natasha Crain to discuss her book “Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I discussed Bitcoin and addressed arguments for and against Christians investing in Cryptocurrencies.