Monthly Archives: August 2020

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 08 – 31- 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Violence in Portland as BLM activists confront and clash with Trump supporters…..who fought back.

Senator Rand Paul’s wife says he’s “furious” that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refuse to denounce the liberal mob that attacked her and her husband after the Republican Convention.

Congressman calls on Nancy Pelosi to apologize to Senator Rand Paul and denounce the mob attack against him and his wife.

John Nolte op-ed about how Joe Biden took 88 days to finally denounce rioting, looting and violence. (Foul language warning)

Did Democratic Convention really have more viewers than RNC as media have been reporting?

United Arab Emirates officially ends it’s boycott of Israel after Trump negotiates peace agreement.

President Trump grants full pardon to Alice Marie Johnson.

Media celebrate that “350 faith leaders” have endorsed Biden.

Now Kamala Harris is walking back Biden’s claim of “requiring” Americans to wear a mask.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Sharon A. Hersh to discuss her book “Belonging: Finding the Way Back to One Another”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Harold L. Senkbeil to discuss his book “Christ and Calamity: Grace and Gratitude in the Darkest Valley”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

Media celebrate that “350 faith leaders” have endorsed Biden.

Now Kamala Harris is walking back Biden’s claim of “requiring” Americans to wear a mask.

I discussed the CDC declaring that only 6% of all COVID-19 deaths are from “COVID-19 only…..that 94% are people who had other deadly morbidities.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 27 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Hurricane Laura hits Louisiana coast at a Category 4.

I discussed and analyzed all the various speakers and aspects of last night’s Republican National Convention Day 3.

Bette Midler walks back Tweet where she mocked Melania’s accent.

NYT reporter suggests pardoned bank robber Jon Ponder might have committed a crime at White House.

Trump sending federal troops to quell rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Joe Biden finally denounces rioting.

Op-ed addressing why the police in Kenosha, Wisconsin shot Jacob Blake “in the back”.

BLM protesters scream at white diners, demanding they raise their fists in BLM solidarity.

CNN laughably reports on “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” with reporter standing amid fires and explosions.

Op-ed addressing why the police in Kenosha, Wisconsin shot Jacob Blake “in the back”.

List of speakers for each day of the RNC Convention.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Civil Rights champion Clarence Henderson, a member of the famous 1960 Greensboro, NC Woolworth lunch counter “Sit-in” to discuss his Republican National Committee speech from last night.

Guest Interview: Former Michigan State Senator and Gubernatorial candidate Patrick Colbeck to discuss the RNC Convention and the latest with Gretchen Whitmer and COVID-19.

Guest Interview: Pastor Shahram Hadian to discuss his conversion from Islam to Christianity as well as his “The Truth in Love Project”.   

Other Issues Discussed…..

With the media claiming Donald Trump RNC speakers are “rewriting history” by highlighting all the aggressive action Trump took early on regarding COVID-19, I decided to go through the actual timeline of action from Trump on COVID early on compared to the Democrats and media claiming he was overreacting.  

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 08 – 26 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

I discussed and analyzed all the various speakers and aspects of last night’s Republican National Convention Day 2.

Hillary Clinton says if Joe Biden loses the election, he should not concede “under any circumstances”.

Obama/Biden’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice criticizes Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s Christian faith as “problematic”.

Op-ed addressing why the police in Kenosha, Wisconsin shot Jacob Blake “in the back”.

Oops. CNN Chyron accidentally lists Kenosha protests as “violent”, then they quickly remove “violent”.

List of speakers for each day of the RNC Convention.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Former Evolutionary scientist turned Creation scientist Dr. Grady McMurtry to discuss the Republican National Convention as well as some Creation/Evolution talk.

Other Issues Discussed…..

Back by popular demand, I re-read a piece I wrote entitled “Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Racism”.  

Bob Dutko Show Summary – 08 – 25 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

I discussed and analyzed all the various speakers and aspects of last night’s Republican National Convention Day 1.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls President and Republicans “enemies of the State”.

Newt Gingrich op-ed on why Trump really has earned re-election.

Op-ed addressing why the police in Kenosha, Wisconsin shot Jacob Blake “in the back”.

Kenosha, Wisconsin Police Association blasts Democrat Governor for comments of police shooting of black suspect.

Joe Biden refuses to condemn Kenosha rioting.

Michigan Appeals Court sides with Whitmer on her “Emergency” orders.

List of speakers for each day of the RNC Convention.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: GOP Delegate Dr. Robin Armstrong to discuss yesterday’s RNC event.

Guest Interview: Dr. Rob Rienow to discuss his book “Healing Family Relationships: A Guide to Peace and Reconciliation”.

Guest Interview: Terence Mekoski, candidate for Macomb County Sheriff.

Open Line Topic: We discussed last night’s day one of the Republican National Convention.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 08 – 24 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Media could find zero humanity or compassion for Trump burying his brother last Friday.

Deported Illegal Alien mom the DNC Convention used to demonize Trump…..was flagged for deportation by the Obama-Biden Administration….after being originally deported by the Clinton Administration.

I picked apart and fact-checked Joe Biden’s DNC speech from last week.

Michigan Appeals Court sides with Whitmer on her “Emergency” orders.

In ABC News interview, Biden AGAIN quotes murderous communist dictator Mao Tse-tung.

Alice Marie Johnson, whose life term was commuted by Trump, will speak at the RNC Convention.

List of speakers for each day of the RNC Convention.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Planned Parenthood quietly ends it’s “Margaret Sanger Award”.

Guest Interview: Pastor Chip Ingram to discuss his new book “Discover Your True Self: How to Silence the Lies of Your Past and Actually Experience Who God Says You Are”.

Guest Interview: Lt. Col (Ret) Robert L. Maginnis to discuss his latest book “Collision Course: The Fight to Reclaim Our Moral Compass Before It Is Too Late”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed last week’s Democratic National Convention.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 13 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Trump announces historic peace agreement between Israel and United Arab Emirates.

Kamala Harris ranked the #1 most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate.

He did it again! Joe Biden (again) falsely claims Trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people”.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace says Kamala Harris “is not far to the left”.

Kamala Harris hysterically laughed when joking about killing Trump and Pence.

IN 2014, Harris called college kids “really stupid”.

Comparing the media’s slobbering coverage of Kamala Harris to their nasty coverage of Sarah Palin.

Tara Reade wants to know if media will ask Kamala Harris about her.

Only 3% of Hispanics use the term “Latinx”.

Now CNN says Trump saying Cory Booker’s name is “racist”.

Presidential physical and mental health scrutiny was common for Reagan, McCain and Trump…..but forbidden for Biden.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Former New Age leader and author Doreen Virtue to discuss her book “Deceived No More: How Jesus Led Me Out of the New Age and Into His Word”.

Guest Interview: Pastor Skip Heitzig to discuss his book “You Can Understand the Book of Revelation: Exploring It’s Mystery and Message”.

Other Issues Discussed…..   

I discussed the differences between how the Democratic Party’s Official Platform treats God compared to the Republican Party’s.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 08 – 12 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Kamala Harris ranked the #1 most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate.

Kamala Harris led dishonest smear campaign against Brett Kavanaugh.

Kamala Harris signed on to Bernie Sander’s “Medicare-For-All”, supports free medical coverage for illegal aliens, and the “Green New Deal”.

Kamala Harris’s father (A Stanford University professor) says their ancestors owns slaves.

Flashback: In 2019, Kamala Harris said “I believe” the women who have accused Joe Biden.

LOLOLOL. CNN asks guest if there’s any news outlets that tear down Trump. Guest says “no”.

LOLOLOL 2.0: CNN says Trump wants to speak at Gettysburg “to shore up the Confederacy”. (Gettysburg is in Pennsylvania and was the key defeat for the Confederacy).

Nevada allows casino crowds, but not church crowds….so church holds service in a casino, and gets fined.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Dr. Michael Brown to discuss his book “Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?”

Guest Interview: Crime Prevention Research Center President and gun crime statistics expert Dr. John Lott to discuss his book “Gun Control Myths: How Politicians, the Media and Botched “Studies” Have Twisted the Facts on Gun Control”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated Joe Biden’s V.P. pick of Kamala Harris.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 08 – 11 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Secret Service pulls Trump out of Press briefing after shots fired outside White House.

Riots continue after Federal Agents left.

Jesse Jackson calls Chicago looting “humiliating”.

Chicago Mayor snaps at reporter for question about looters getting lenient treatment.

Poll: Even half of Democrats admit they don’t think Biden will serve out his first term.

Letter from black leaders tells Biden he “has” to pick a black woman as V.P.

Polls still show Trump behind, but closing the gap.

Poll: Likely black voters give Trump 36% approval rating.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

NASA changing names of “racist” stars.

Guest Interview: Dr. Chip Dodd to discuss his book “Hope in the Age of Addiction: How to Find Freedom and Restore Your Relationships”.

Guest Interview: Renowned Theologian Dr. Erwin Lutzer to discuss his latest book “Pandemics, Plagues and Natural Disasters: What Is God Saying to Us?”

Other Issues Discussed…. I discussed some apologetics in the area of “Theistic Evolution”, by examining the Biblical definition of “life” compared to the human biological definition of “life”, answering the question of whether Adam and Eve could have killed a bug before sin entered the Garden.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 08 – 10 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Joe Biden stokes more racial tension by implying Michael Brown was wrongly murdered.

My “Trump, Biden and “Racism” Post:

Trump signs Executive Orders to provide Coronavirus relief.

White House says Trump’s Payroll Tax deferment will save the average worker about $1200.

Polls still show Trump behind, but closing the gap.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: John Yoo to discuss his book “Defender in Chief: Donald Trump’s Fight For Presidential Power”.

Guest Interview: We had a Pastors Round Table discussion on mixing faith and politics this election with Pastors Jerry Weinzierl, Ken Hampton and Jeff Noble.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 06 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Joe did it again! Biden says Latino communities have incredible diversity “unlike African-America communities”.

Gallup: 80% of blacks want the same or more police in their communities.

Gretchen Whitmer declares racism a “public health crisis” and mandates “bias training” for all state employees.

Dallas denies rally permit for conservative youth group while allowing liberal protests and rallies.

AP story about foreign policy changes if Biden wins is written with anti-Trump spin.

Poll: Only 42% say they will take the coronavirus vaccine when it comes out.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: David McRee to discuss his book “The War On Cash”.

Guest Interview: Krissy Nelson to discuss her book “Slaying the Giant of Fear: And Releasing the Roar of Breakthrough”.

Open Line Topic: With today being the 75th anniversary of the U.S. dropping the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima, we discussed whether it was morally right or morally wrong for us to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and whether the U.S. owes Japan an apology.