Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 04 – 18 – 17

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

North Korean tensions mount.

CNN finds a way to spin Trump’s positive China/North Korea deal making into a negative.

Eric Trump explains why his dad spends so much time at Mar-a-Lago.

Illegal Immigrant arrests up 32% under Trump.

NBC Sports criticizes Atlanta Braves for giant U.S. flag. Calls it “political”.

News Hour Guest Interview: Christopher Harris with Unhyphenated America to discuss the growing trend of men being allowed to compete in Women’s sports as transgendered “women”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Atlanta theater doing homosexualized Bible stories.

Colleges requiring professors to commit to “diversity”.

Guest Interview: New York Times Best Selling author (and brother of Rush Limbaugh) to discuss his latest book “The True Jesus: Uncovering the Divinity of Christ in the Gospels”.

Guest Interview: Pastor Shaunee Parker-Brannon to discuss her book “Hi Insecurity, Bye Insecurity: Discovering the Presence of Insecurity in Our Lives and Bidding it Farewell”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed the “Facebook killer” case, killing himself and the family of the victim forgiving the killer.

6 thoughts on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 04 – 18 – 17

  1. artículos médicos

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    Los dos eventos permiten que se produzca una disminución de pelos terminales con aumento de pelos en fase Telógena de vida corta, con perdida progresiva de densidad visible en el cuero cabelludo.

  4. Remediosfrusa

    El puede durar más de 36 horas en comparación con las 4-6 horas propias del sildenafilo y el vardenafilo. Cabe aclarar que la mayoría de los hombres han tenido o tendrán al menos un episodio de falta de erección en su vida, pero eso no significa que se trate de una patología.


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